Thursday, February 21, 2013

The custom manager restarts often by itself.

Issue :

The custom manager restarts often by itself.


We have a custom manager XX_Custom_Receiving_mgr which has 3 programs
1. Purchasing     -  Receiving Transaction Processor
2. Ware house   -  Pre-generate
3. Asia/Pacific Localization   -  India - Receiving  Transaction Processor
We have done some server migration and after that this manager keep on restarting.But rest of the custom managers are working fine.

Work Around :

As the above mentioned are the critical program for us, We have to go for a workaround provided there is no downtime for the same.

1. Created a new custom manager XX_Custom_Receiving_mgr1
2. Deleted the programs that are in the existing manager XX_Custom_Receiving_mgr
3. Included those programs that were deleted from the existing manager to the new manager XX_Custom_Receiving_mgr1.
4. Now the old manager XX_Custom_Receiving_mgr has no programs inside and the new manager XX_Custom_Receiving_mgr1 has the three programs included.

Again Issue:

Now the issue is that both the manager keeps restarting.
 Also the new issue is that, The old manager which has No programs in the Include , acts like a STANDARD MANAGER. The program what are all runs in Standard is running in this manager if there is any busy in Standard manager.
Fix what i did :
1. Down the concurrent manager.
2. Run the cmclean.sql script and commit.
3. start the concurrent manager.

Now after the restart still the issue occurs. The restart happens.

So, I have followed the below steps

1. Exclude the program    Purchasing     -  Receiving Transaction Processor from the new manager XX_Custom_Receiving_mgr1  and Include that to the old manager XX_Custom_Receiving_mgr which is now acting like a standard manager.
2. Now the issue seems to be fixed for the old manager XX_Custom_Receiving_mgr and it runs the only program which has attached to it. Also the restart does not happens for this.
3. Now the issue still remains for the new manager (XX_Custom_Receiving_mgr1) which has 2 Includes and 1 Exclude programs.
4. Now what i did is that, I have excluded the program in the old manager  XX_Custom_Receiving_mgr which is the program that is included in the new manager XX_Custom_Receiving_mgr1. Now the issue got fixed.

Final Solution is :

1. If a new manager is created and no program is added then it will acts like a Standard manager.
2. If you have added some program to the manager then it is not advisable to just delete the program and add that to another manager. We need to exclude it in the existing manager and Include that to the new manager.

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